Founded in 2004 by sustainability pioneer and renowned futurist Hazel Henderson, chair of the EthicMark® Awards they demonstrate the power of advertising and marketing campaigns to inspire, focus on global sustainability, human potentials and further both public and private legitimate interests. Winning campaigns uphold high standards of truth, integrity, responsibility, transparency and fairness, respecting diversity and refraining from behavioral manipulation, greenwashing, instilling fear or misusing brain science.
Congratulations to the French department store Carrefour (For-Profit category winner), which encourages a “Black Supermarket” showcasing small farmers’ varieties of nutritious local vegetables overlooked in mainstream food supplies and regulations. See the video here and the Non-Profit winner is “NatureClimate” with Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot revealing how natural forests, eco-agriculture, coastal mangroves and wetlands can capture and reduce CO2 emissions causing climate change. This independent spot, produced by Britain’s Gripping Films, was supported by Conservation International, Food and Land Use Coalition and distributed by The Guardian.See the full press release on CSR Wire.
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