Associate Creative Director. Graham cut his teeth at Saatchi & Saatchi, GREY, FCB amongst others plus several smaller purpose-driven agencies. An old school ‘Ad Man’ at heart that still believes the ‘Big Idea’ is King. He has a solid background working with B2B and B2C clients from every market sector but a passion for solving some of the systemic environmental issues challenging our planet.
Graham is an expert at translating often complex propositions and communicating them in a simpler, more easy-to-understand manner. Co founder of the pioneering Green Awards graham has been at the forefront of sustainability communication since 2004.
Key issues: Farming, Food, Land-use, retail, Wildlife, Habitat Loss, Species Decline, Environment, Politics, Ethics, Climate Change.
Key expertise: Design, advertising, messaging, strategy, strategy, strategic counsel
Graham believes there’s no easy fix for the sustainability agenda. Instead we need smart solutions.
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