In every sphere of human activity there is increasingly no alternative to sustainability. This fact, long recognised by millions of ordinary consumers around the world, has led them to demand more sustainable alternatives from their governments, business and industry. The ‘Green and ethical revolution’ has been a true grassroots revolution with most industries, including the communications industry, following, not leading, public opinion. Sustainability is not only good for business but ensures our future.
Whether it’s a campaign, a client, the communications industry or the very earth itself, we want to leave everything we touch in a better state than we found it.
Using our talents, knowledge and experience we will advise our clients on sustainability and ethics in relations to business policy and operations.
- We promote open innovation and work collaboratively building on existing initiatives and partnering wherever possible on new projects.
- We will work with integrity and always strive to behave in a socially responsible way through the democratization of ideas.
- We will endeavour to be transparent and accountable in our business affairs. If information is power, shared information is even more powerful.
- We will make ethical purchasing decisions on behalf of the company and our clients.
- We will promote ethics & sustainability in everything we do.
“An Ounce of Action is Worth a Tonne of Theory – Friedrich Engels”
To find out more and to arrange a meeting contact hello